Wren || 22 || She/They || Discord: wrenkenstein

Art by @Shyranno

Hi there! My name is Wren. I'm a professional artist and graduate from VCUarts, currently studying biology with the intent to get my Ph.D. These days, I use my platform online to share my stories and artwork, with my focus being The Bad Batch and my OCs within the universe of Star Wars. My special interest, however, is science, 80s horror media and the 80s in general.I generally focus and gear my content towards autism and aroace positivity and acceptance, as I fall under both of those labels myself. As such, you will frequently see me post related content. On occasion, I will share creature designs, other fandom-related work and fanfiction.My current hyperfixation is Juntech, which is my personal exploration of an aroace, autistic relationship between Tech and Juno. Most of my content features these two characters. If you do not enjoy Oc x Canon pairings, then my content may not be for you, and that's okay!
I am not open for fandom commissions, and will not be for the foreseeable future to continue keeping art as a hobby. However, if you are interested, I have many talented friends I can point you towards!
Due to being aroace and often repulsed, I have many ships, characters and topics muted. Please ping me or reach out specifically if you'd like to discuss something in that vein!
If you'd like to discuss business, professional endeavors, or are interested in working with me outside of fandom, please reach out to me at [email protected].